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Clean Our Your Fridge Day

November 14

fridgeTomorrow (November 15th) is National “Clean Out Your Fridge Day.” As you can see from the photo on the right, our refrigerator at BakeSpace headquarters is a mess. We’re going to spend some time over the weekend tidying things up, and we resolve not to wait for another “holiday” to clean out old condiments and leftovers.

Removing Coffee & Tea Stains: If you brew your own coffee or tea, you’ve probably noticed that the tannins can build up quickly to stain pots and coffee mugs.

Try this natural solution: Dip slices of fresh cut lemon into kosher salt, then rub the lemon directly on the stains. The salt-coated lemon acts as a gentle abrasive to make stains disappear. Follow up by rinsing with warm water.

Or this member tip: Patti uses baking soda and a damp cloth to remove all sorts of kitchen and bathroom stains. She simply sprinkles the baking soda onto whatever surface needs to cleaned, and then scrubs away. The trick is to not use too much water.
Check out our Daily Bite Newsletter with more Homemade House Cleaners.

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